Monday, December 9, 2019

The poor among us (#3964)

     If you don't have at least one homeless person living near where you are then you are not of the norm. I can't go anywhere without seeing the effects of homelessness. On the streets I travel for regular store visits, on the back roads where shortcuts are now filled with homeless camps. Nor on the creek that borders my backyard. Everywhere is homelessness and with homelessness is the futility to do anything about it. One of my housemates yesterday, while I was out getting necessary roof patching supplies, was visited upon by the homeless man in the tent out in the creek area.
     He came to the front door begging for food as he was starving. My housemate said he looked terrible from the months of rough living and she was compelled to help him as he struck a chord with her. She gave him a sandwich and some chips which he devoured on the spot. It is always tricky giving help to those who ask for it as many use it as an occupation instead of a real need. Yet in this case my housemate convinced me that the fellow was in such disarray that no reasoning could conclude he was grifting for advantage. This account she gave to me when I got back from getting supplies shook me hard.
     I know what it is like to be homeless and without food to eat so I will always sympathize with those who are in similar predicaments. What to do about this close rough sleeper out back in the creek area. There is a church that borders another side of my property that is straight across from the area where the homeless man camps. I have thought about contacting them to see if there is anything they are prepared to do to help him. Since we have such a huge homeless problem in our state and I know of no real programs that can come and rescue this person from his predicament my soul is still rattled. As the wealthy continue to take the majority of the profits in our society I am unsure if we will ever get to fix the worsening homelessness problem and how many will actually die with no hope of an American dream.

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