Friday, December 20, 2019

Will the Supreme Court uphold the rule of law? (#3975)

     We do know that the 4 liberal/progressive justices on the 9 person court will do the but the other 5 conservative justices are not likely to give the rule of law its due deference because of trump. However, the Chief Justice John Roberts may break from the other 4 more disrespectful members and vote with the 4 liberal/progressive justices. I say that because as the chief justice, Roberts has a much more telling legacy to preserve. He can be a partisan hack like his fellow conservative jurors or he can rise above the partisanship and join those who are for maintaining the separation of powers written into our constitution.
     The other 4 conservative justices will pretzel out some logic in their defense of denying equal power to all branches of government, even as they are in one of the 3 branches if it means protecting trump from certain guilt. But Roberts may not be inclined to do so. At times, like when he preserved Obamacare, he has shown he can rise above the noise of the illogical. In fact I am somewhat expecting him to on the trump issues now before the court. Because for one thing setting new precedence that all branches of government are not co-equal undercuts his own power going forward as well as making the next president more powerful than any other president in history.
     So when they decide the trump cases in the present they are also deciding the expanded role that presidents will inhabit in the future. To actually rule against what our constitution clearly prescribes will take some kind of audacity to begin with and I do not think Roberts will allow that. What I do expect is that Roberts and the 4 liberal/progressive justices will compromise to protect trump a bit but also deny his claim for complete immunity from any ongoing investigation. If this conservative majority Supreme Court were to side with trump and allow him to essentially change the presidency into a kingship then not only will our democracy be undercut in such as way as to cripple it permanently but it will spark an anger within our society that will not dampen nor hold back its anger.

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