Thursday, December 5, 2019

republicans: the wealthy get tax breaks and subsidies, while the poor get nothing (#3960)

     I won't call it a war on the poor but I will call the hate for the poor. War to me is fighting life and death combative battles, which the hate for the poor isn't quite that but that some of the poor will die or become criminal to survive is a predictable outcome. Why do republicans so despise the poor while giving everything to the wealthy? It is the republican reasoning that the wealthy serve a far greater purpose than the poor and while republican policies keep the poor poor they do not care. Never raising the minimum wage while giving the wealthy every advantage to utilize the desperation of the vast many poor.
     Now the food stamps are being taken from the poor among us that is crucial to them surviving in real life. No one can afford to rent a 2 bedroom domicile, and are if lucky, barely able to rent a 1 bedroom apartment anywhere in the USA on minimum wage, Which is why right behind my house that borders on the creek people are living in tents. So taking away their food subsidy, which by the way is cruel when in comparison the wealthy are slathered with so much dough from our government that the food subsidies for the poor are dwarfed by them, is a bridge too far for the poor and advocates like me who support their cause.
     People will die and others will commit crimes to eat so how is it not a cruel and brutish act to deny the poor food that keeps them going? How is it that the hate for the poor is now policy? How is it that the wealthy who are already wealthy need more wealth from we the taxpayers? There is no assumption here to be made. The fact that the republican party hates the working middle and especially the poor class is indisputable. So we the working middle poor class, who make up the largest voting block by far have an opportunity to end the republican party of hate this coming November 3rd. First we need to make sure that we are all registered to vote and then when the voting time comes make sure we all vote!

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