Saturday, February 15, 2020

Commonalities of slave owners and republicans (#4032)

     I was just sitting back in my chair thinking about voting rights and how hard we democrats have to work just to get an equal right to vote for too many American citizens. The republican party has put up so many barriers to voting that millions of otherwise eligible voters cannot "qualify" to vote. By qualify I mean overcome the obstacles republicans have enacted to keep voting out of reach for too many who would vote against them. You get that correct? The republican party is strategically denying voting rights to those who would vote against them. So instead of convincing those voters that the republican party is their best option, they instead deny them the right to vote.
     I could list the ways republicans deny voters, such as minimal voting stations in heavily democratic areas. The denial of absentee voting as a rule. The difficulty placed on many poor folks who don't have the ID required through republican laws. The difficulty of finding a motor vehicle station open that would supply necessary ID's near where heavily democratic areas are located. Denying out of state students their right to vote unless they have that state's strict ID requirement. No same day voter registrations to vote. No automatic Motor Vehicle update to include new voters. No state holiday to allow for free and unencumbered voting by their states' citizens. Using voting machines that have no paper trail. These are just a few ways republicans work to control who can vote.
     The reason republicans want to control who can and cannot vote is because they have an entitled viewpoint that the rest of us need their guidance. The old slave owners credo that they know what is best for us and they work damned hard to make sure we know it. They are the do as I say crowd not the do as I do crowd. Well we the rest of us are not in need of paternal guidance from the likes of them. The republican party is full of folks who cannot evolve into a future that is modern and enlightened. They are stuck in the old ways of people as property even though they don't call it that. We on the other hand are done with them trying to set our future based upon their past.

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