Sunday, February 16, 2020

Early voting has started for the caucuses in Nevada. (#4033)

     Some early voting sites had few lines while others had long lines. Either way the voting has begun in Nevada and it seems that there is good interest in the outcome. As each new state finishes their voting and the totals come about my main point of interest will be the turnout. Like I have said for years now I am not as concerned about who our nominee is but in the enthusiasm we are showing at the primary voting booths and general election. I have little to no doubt that our democratic party will turn out for the election and if we do it solidly behind whomever our nominee is then we will take back the White House, the Senate, while holding onto the House.
     This is the scenario I had envisioned for 2016 but we got ambushed by low turnout and trump lies. I don't see that happening again because trump is still lying and most of us can see it now. Plus the problem of low turnout is being addressed well before the general election. I want to see the fruits of the large turnout happen in our primaries so that we carry that enthusiasm over to the general election. There cannot be any rest from getting our voters and message out about our policies. The rest will come on November 3rd when the voting is done.
     Unlike in 2016 when rest was expected we got the reverse and for the last 4 years most of us democratic activists have been relentless in our advocacy for stopping trump from dismantling our democracy. It is tiring work and seems never ending yet it has to be done. There is no other recourse but to fight tooth and nail in order to defeat trump and retake the Senate and many more State houses. It is a big job and if all helped it would be easier, so make sure that your vote is a solidly democratic one and help get others to the voting booth. The beginning we hoped for in 2016 has been delayed and even set back but we can rectify that in 261 days.

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