Sunday, February 9, 2020

trump doesn't want disease preparedness (#4026)

     Okay, someone will have to tell me the logical reason for not wanting to be fighting deadly viruses. This is a public health issue so it's vitalness is inherent. So why does the mind numbing idiot trump want to see us less prepared for viruses like the emerging Coronavirus out of China? Anyone? So here is my logical attempt to explain this trumpian reversal of preparedness. It isn't the money per se since the budget for the CDC is dwarfed by the military budget. So it can't be fiscal restraint especially in the face of the massive tax cuts trump just gave the wealthy.
     It isn't that the staffing at the CDC was bloated and needed to be trimmed for reasons due to overlap of work or nothing to do. Every year trump has been in his appointed office he has tried to cut the CDC budget. Yet every year I have not seen any reason for it. How does he base his decision to make what cuts and why? We don't know and he is letting on that I can find. So either he is just ignorant to the problems that the CDC attempts to cure and/or track or he is being advised by others who are not in the loop as to why the CDC is a valued organization.
     I know that trump is for smaller government but the idea that we need less disease control and elimination is absurd! More so than some world war, an out of control deadly virus may do the job instead of ending the human race. I am grasping at straws here but given trump's penchant to put himself first I can theorize that a virus outbreak on our world is less concerning to him if he and his is personally prepared to survive it. I put nothing below what this soulless human wastoid is capable of. Regardless though the rest of us have a problem and we need to act as like Greta Thunberg says that our house is on fire now! Not only with the effects of climate change on our atmosphere and terrain, but in the releasing of deadly viruses from long locked frozen bodies of water.

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