Thursday, February 20, 2020

The many are greater than the one (#4037)

     Like Spock said, the good of the many outweigh the good of the one, or something very similar. Same with our nominating process in determining our candidate to run against the pos trump. I rarely get what I want in life but that is always secondary when it involves the many of us. I accept that I don't get my way as long as our lives get better by another outcome. In this case if my preferred candidate loses to another candidate then I will support the other candidate with all I have because our democratic party is head, shoulders, torso, hips, knees, ankles, and toes above anyone the republican party can field.
     So often I see someone say that if a democratic party candidate is not theirs that gets nominated that they will vote for a third party candidate or write in someone. It amazes me that just a short 4 years ago the same dynamic came into play and although we ended up winning the election by about 3 million votes we lost the presidency because of the paternal electoral college. So voting for anyone other than the eventual democratic party nominee is not only dumbfounding it is giving trump one less vote to overcome. None of us is an expert on how any candidate will operate once in office so deciding to not vote for a democrat is a bit uneducated and more emotionally reckless.
     We the democratic party have got to figure this out very soon as the election is just around the corner. I have stayed out of the political posts slamming any democrat despite the temptation because I know that the greater good is to accept whomever our nominee becomes and then fight like hell for them. Because I know that if trump is appointed again or elected this time our democracy goes away. It is that simple folks. Either we protect our democracy and fight like hell to keep it or we lose it because we got our feelings gut punched about our favorite candidate. Again, I rarely get what I want so not getting what I want is not harmful to me because I usually get something good anyway and it is the same with whomever wins our democratic nomination.

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