Friday, February 21, 2020

Virginia, leading modernity in the South (#4038)

     With the results of the 2019 state elections in Virginia still fresh in our minds it is good to focus on what actually happened to the political process there. Democrats have taken majority control of the General Assembly (55-45), the Senate of Virginia (21-19), and had in 2017 taken the Governorship for the next 4 years. So any obstruction by republicans of the democratic agenda voted in by it's citizens would not be simply mounted. So Virginia has been on a course over the last few months of enacting legislation that codifies into law a start at progressive policies.
     What this means for the rest of the South is important. With most all southern states dominated by complete control of republicans, the contrast couldn't be more important. Compare and contrast is a tool of evaluation that has facts and truths attached that overcomes a narrative of disinformation and rhetorical bellicosity. What the rest of the South sees the good happening in Virginia will leave them questioning why they don't have the same opportunities to upgrade and modernize. The expansion of medicaid is one of the most glaring policies along with raising the minimum wage that can profoundly change the minds of the citizens of the rest of the South.
     With higher wages more is spent on commerce which in turn increases opportunities for jobs. With a greater expansion of medicaid the many unwell will now be able to see a doctor and get well as opposed to no doctor or emergency room visits after the fact. Medicaid expansion will also increase work opportunities for health care workers. Improving schools, transportation, voting rights and myriad other progressive policies within Virginia will give southerners a progressive view that they have not had in their own backyards for generations. It is one thing to hear about modernity in California thousands of miles away but to do so in Virginia the old seat of the South is up close and personal.

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