Saturday, February 1, 2020

Elections have real consequences (#4018)

     It was no surprise to me that republicans would get into line in their utter disdainful treasonous protection of trumps. This is why I fight so hard to get democrats elected everywhere. Because we democrats although imperfect are still striving to be less imperfect. With republicans it is not the same. They are all about power and money and protecting that power and money. So when I see the progressive liberals within our democratic party fighting and threatening to not vote or vote for trump or some other unelectable party I get a bit frustrated. We have the most dishonest uncaring republican party in power right now and we democrats can't seem to recognize that it is the republicans who are our greatest threat to democracy. Instead we fight amongst ourselves.
     I know that some infighting must take place during the primaries and this time around I hope that the infighting ends when the nomination of our single candidate begins. I don't care who we nominate, progressive, liberal or moderate. It doesn't matter to me because whomever it is must win the election on November 3rd. The very idea of trump being appointed again is unconscionable to me. The disaster it would bring would not only be for the next 4 years but for decades to come. The trees had better not hide our view of the forest because the forest is on fire and we need every one of us voting to put this republican forest fire out.
     It doesn't end with trumps being kicked out of our White House. There are many senators, congresspeople, and state house republicans who also need the bottom of our boot on the rump of their public ass. Our society is in jeopardy of further sliding back into the survival of the fittest model. This is so unnecessary given that we are such an advanced modern society. Moving forward with little resistance while making sure our citizens are prepared for a hopeful existence is and should always be our most pressing priority. There are many ills in our society that need to be cured but they won't be cured as long as we avoid doing the hard work of ending republican rule and reinstalling democratic participation.

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