Monday, February 3, 2020

The election starts today (#4020)

     With Iowa voting on their preferred democratic party candidates the election is underway. All elections start with primaries and Iowa is first up. This has been a long awaited day in that the voting is real and will determine in the long run whom our democratic candidate will be. Although the general election on November 3rd. is still 274 days away that time will fly now as we are all focused on whom to nominate to beat the idiot appointed president. Back when it was more than 1400 days until the next general election I thought it would take forever given his never ending daily attack on our society and our democracy but look at it now, just 274 days.
     What with the midterms in 2018 and our democratic wave that hit large and hard and the state elections in 2019 with some mighty fine results I feel that we are still in the wave era of democratic victories to come. What I really look forward to is surely the executive and senate chamber changing power but beneath that the state races where we democrats have a real shot at adding heavily to our wave totals of 2018. Because no election in the foreseeable future is as important as this coming one. Not only to end republican criminal activity and democracy busting policies but to control the establishing of the boundaries of the 435 districts that make up the House of Representatives.
     That every democrat that is registered to vote should vote but also vote straight party ticket. All democrats on every ballot should receive all votes from all democrats and even all independents who lean left. We the democratic party cannot afford to lose one vote in any race being challenged or defended by a democrat. This is now the time for our democratic party electorate to unequivocally come out and support the democratic party. As the results of Iowa today begin to show who has won there we can begin to get a picture of the totals that participate and measure those with totals in the past. We will know if our blue wave is still riding high by the sheer numbers of who vote for our nominees.

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