Monday, February 17, 2020

Free, fair, and simple elections are the answer (#4034)

     The one thing governments, both federal and state, should be good at by now is how it elects it's officials. But no, we have to have so many different ways to make things difficult that I am of only one conclusion as to why. To confuse for manipulation the will of the one person one vote pure democratic formula. Why else would not every jurisdiction that has an election not have the simplest form of expressing our right to vote? Paper ballots either in the mail or at the voting booth with a ranked choice in case of a tie or less than majority.
     A standardized formula for voting in all 50 states would then make any transition through migration by our mobile society, accommodating. Very easy is always a better option than difficult and convoluted. We are talking about the expression of our political will. So if we have a favorite then we can express that without difficulty. Voting should not be a calculus equation. It should be simple math. So after nearly 234 years you would think that simple would have been established and all encompassing. But no, we have too many states that find it more appropriate to make voting harder and more difficult in order to get to the will of the people of that state.
     Why would individual states be making voting harder when it can be done simpler? you don't need a degree in common sense to figure this one out. By taking simple and making it difficult the possibilities that the will of the people can be bent to represent not their will but the will of others is greatly increased. When I vote I don't want someone telling me that I need to vote for someone else. I have already decided my vote and don't need to be in a room full of people trying to get me to change my mind. My ballot is secret and so should everyone's be. This caucus idea is antiquated as a result of paternalism. We don't need paternalism today we need opportunities to guide our own lives as is the result of living in a modern society.

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