Sunday, February 23, 2020

I am a progressive liberal (#4040)

     This should be no surprise to anyone who knows me. I want progressive policies from a liberal standpoint but I am pragmatic about the details. I guess in many ways I am a Jerry Brown democrat. I want for all or our citizenry but not at the expense of failure. What seems possible must be in an equation that makes sense. Pragmatism is paramount to delivery and although some ideas have great lofty goals they have to be possible within our economic, social, and political processes. Many are and still are not policy so those can be instituted just by following the lead of others who have made them a reality.
     I do believe that having a futuristic vision is critical to making progressive policies but the hard work of the details must also accompany our best intentions. The days of saying no without a plausible reason are long gone much like the days of saying yes without an actual plan to formulate. Now our American moon adventure was full of wishful thinking that did prove to be a success but for the most part we cannot fly by the seat of our pants as the dominant process. We have to be able to think outside the box with ideas that can be converted into action. Until then the promise of greater advances in our society must remain just wishful until we can bring the necessary change forward.
     I would still rather live in a world that dreamed big thoughts for the correct reasons than live in a world where great thoughts are laughed at and dismissed with ridicule. We democrats are the former where our daily hope is to make our dreams of a better world a reality. But we must also show the world that we are serious and not just daydreaming. The work to make our policies come to fruition is work that must entail the best of our reasonings and analysis. We will get to our conclusions soon enough when we put our heads together and make the nearly impossible seem lightbulb on simple.

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