Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Defining democratic policies (#4035)

     This coming election in November is about policy. I know that personality plays a part but the biggest share of mind making up will come through who defines their policies with the best narrative. We democrats have a real chance of burying trump and his republican party with facts and demonstrable equations. Equations you ask? Yes, equations. We take what math there is and show that instead of giving tax breaks to the wealthy, instead of giving to the military industrial complex, and instead of giving corporate subsidies, we revert back to improving our society with work projects that improve our infrastructure while paying prevailing wages.
     We may also improve the quality of life for our seniors and youth by expanding social security and raising the minimum wage. We may also do like 32 other civilized nations have done and move toward Medicare for all. Another sensible narrative for our democratic party is attaining equal rights for women through the constitutional process. Never again shall a woman be paid for the same work as a man at a now legally lesser amount. We democrats also have plans for normalizing relations overseas with every nation that accepts a democratic solution for their own governance. We the democrats have the best of intentions when it comes to reversing climate change and moving toward clean energy solutions.
     Our democratic policies are on the correct side of the manifest destiny of not only America but the world at large. Being smart and intelligent is still the best hope for our species here on Earth and out into the space that encapsulates us. This coming November the ideas of modernity and equality are going to be unstoppable against the tyranny and racism of the republican party. Democracy demands of us to protect it if we want to have equal rights for all of us. We democrats are in a fighting mood since the advent of the irrationally cruel trumpsters. The time is coming and it is nearly upon us to act. So let's do our due diligence and then when our voting time comes let's come together and give the republican party it's well deserved ass whupping.

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