Friday, February 7, 2020

Voted today for the primary here in Cali (#4024)

     Talk about it officially beginning! Today I got to send in my mail in ballot with my choices for our democratic party. The beginning of the end for trump is how all of this feels for me. I have been waiting anxiously since the trump appointment to our presidency and today feels like we have finally reached the beginning of the end of his dream to be a lifelong king. I know it is just the primary that I voted in today but it is the momentum I feel from all the marches and advocacies for our policies that I have been part of since day one of the nightmare trump. Sending that ballot back to the election commission is a sacred high I will never tire of.
     Doing my duty to our democracy is a part of it but voting to correct a huge mistake made on November 8th, 2016 is my ultimate imperative. There is nothing more important in my life than to make sure that the trumps of the world and especially those who work overtime to enable him are grabbed by the short hairs and booted out of our political power houses. The disdain republicans have for human life that is not their color or gender is atrocious and is deserving of a much worse than civilized response. The audacity it takes to attend to psycho/sociopathic behaviors as a norm must never be allowed to happen again.
     I am older and surely not expected to survive for many more decades so the future of life on Earth is as prioritized for me as my next breath. We who can still fight like all get out must do so this election cycle so that the protection of our democracy is never to be assailed again by those who would rather spit on us than help us up. The insanity of this time is the narrative of the legacy trump has wrought upon us but on November 3rd., 270 days from now, we can end this black stain on our souls with a vote to elect whomever our democratic nominee becomes. Not only that but to vote for democrats on every ballot everywhere. It is time to settle the dust of trump beneath our feet as we move forward into our enlightened future.

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