Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Fake it until you make it is a trump trait (#4022)

     We know that trump is incapable of feeling the truth of things that are beyond his own acceptance. So instead of being embarrassed or ashamed about most things in his life he just pretends that he and those things are great. Much like with his appointed presidential campaign, he is faking his be best moments until the election. What the rest of us have to do is not to believe a word that he says. The facts and truths of things are where we need to look and do our research the old fashioned way by actually doing the research without taking anything as fact from sources that would or could fake us out.
     Given the information on the Internet it is almost impossible not to be able to research data and facts. So make it easy on yourself and spend some time finding out what the truth really is. I have heard and seen enough from trump to know that he cannot tell the truth at least 90% of the time. Which means that at least 90% of the time he is lying about or misrepresenting the truth. But everyone is not me and have spent less time verifying the incorrectness of trump. So find out for yourself and then ask yourself if the policies he has passed and the executive orders he has given and rescinded are your priorities and principles. First ask yourself if separating families at the border for long periods and then putting up for adoption children who have parents is your cherished principle.
     Then ask yourself if giving tax breaks to the wealthy at the expense of social programs designed to help average Americans is another policy or principle that you honor. As important ask yourself if denying climate change and it's deadly effects is something you can rally behind with trump. Does it make sense to you to keep old dirty energy policies subsidized with government funds is a position you would take when subsidizing clean and green energy makes more sense especially when clean and green energy will reduce the effects of climate change. Racism and sexism aside as trump prerogatives, wouldn't you rather have an American society that put all of it's citizens as a priority rather than what trump does with just his wealthy donors?

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