Monday, February 10, 2020

The day before New Hampshire democratic primary (#4027)

     Tomorrow there will be 38 weeks (266 days) left until we vote out trump and his acolytes in the 2020 general election. Until then we have our nominating contests filling the time between now and then. With tomorrow all about New Hampshire and the first real election, not a caucus run by the state party, we will have a better gauge on who is leading our party for now. I know that New Hampshire, like Iowa, is a small sample size but it is big enough to get at least a glimpse of what is to come with the next state election.
     There are two more nominating contests in Nevada and South Carolina still to come this month so as we get a glimpse from New Hampshire we are ready to add to that glimpse with the caucus in Nevada on February 22nd and the election in South Carolina on February 29th. So almost each week of this month gives we democrats an idea as to how this coming general election will play out. I say that because not only will we start to see separation between the remaining candidates but most important to me is the turnout. Will our base turn out and vote like our hair is on fire? Because this election on November 3rd is a hair on fire moment in time.
     Not only is our democracy at real risk but our planet that sustains our very lives is being turned into a furnace. So if the turnout does not meet or exceed the same amounts as the last many general election totals we as a species may find ourselves repeating the horrendous example set in 2016. Our base and fellow travelers in the independent and republican parties have to get out and vote in these primaries as a show of force to the powers that be that they are not the chosen amongst our citizenry. Much is on the line here and as I keep saying whomever we nominate gets all of me, no matter who because the greatest danger is the conman in the White House now and nothing short of ending his appointed presidency will suffice.

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