Friday, January 31, 2020

No expectations no let downs! (#4017)

     What others do is on them. Like the republican party in the senate. If they are chickenshits and can be easily threatened to act in a certain way then that is on them. We should be grateful in a way that these cowardly republicans have shown their lack of mettle. I think back about John McCain, who I was at odds with in most all his policy positions but at least one time he voted his conscience and then faced down those who would try to bully him. There is no one like that now since McCain's death in the republican party. All the rest of remaining republicans in the senate are weak and of no courage.
     To do what is objective and correct is sometimes a hard thing but it is a hard thing that must be done, however with these republican senators there is no principled honor with any of them. They are the cowering weaklings that no honest person would ever vote to have represent them. Yet we have a majority of them in now in this exposed corrupted political chamber. I never expected the republican party to hold trump accountable because they are like trump, power hungry and uncaring human hollow souls. They are actually doing what I expected of them to protect trump regardless of any malfeasance or crime he commits. Rest assured here, trump is a criminal.
     So as the majority republicans vote to acquit him in the senate it is just what we expected and now we get to do what we want. Call it for what it is and then hit them some more with the truth of things. The only way to get beyond a bully and his cowards is to stand up to them and hit them with the truth as many times as necessary for them to back down. We must hold them accountable and we will come November. There will be no time for dissent in the ranks as it relates to whomever is our nominee because we will have only one shared goal. To stop the trumps and republicans from having any further relevancy in our American politics!

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