Saturday, January 11, 2020

The junkie president (#3997)

     I am now wondering if trump will even make it through to the election. He seems to be addicted in a way where no intervention can help. He has removed any real check on his personal health and certainly he has removed any brave enough soul in his inner circle to call him out for his addiction. For our sake he had better back himself off his slide into an irrational state that may have limited opportunity for him to recover from. Not only on his own person but the fate of our nation is resting on a precarious precipice given his already delusional conclusions.
     He spends his time on ridiculous notions as it is and any further fall into the absurd may well prove fatal to the whole of our planet. Like with the Iranian assassination, his judgment is impaired given the press conference he gave the next day. If he is already too far gone then those around him are doing the propping up and are also a threat to our democracy for not following the correct protocol for such situations. It is clear to me that trump is already afflicted with some type of disease and is hiding it to maintain his status without interference.
    This whole trump era is beyond the normal in most all respects and though his followers love his attacks on the most vulnerable in our society their support is dwarfed by those of us who despise his petty vile nature that wishes to harm more than help. The junkie nature of trump is of no help and as he gets older by the day and keeps his nose to the mirror we all had better resign ourselves to being on guard for the last of the days until the election. His irrational and delusional behavior will no doubt become increasingly more apparent and as such it is incumbent upon us to put a stop to it at the earliest possible opportunity.

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