Thursday, January 16, 2020

What do you do now republican senators after the Lev Parnas revelations? (#4002)

     Most likely the absurd head in the sand approach will be maintained but there will be a cost that too many of them will pay this close to the election. It is with some sense of foretelling that maybe the republican senators will realize that their jobs are more important to them than protecting a criminal appointed president who will be defeated this coming November. That is the calculus here with me and I suspect with many of we democrats. There are a lot of republican senators up for reelection in 9 months and they are the vulnerable ones.
     Even moscow mitch is up for reelection and if he doesn't quite grasp yet that his time as majority leader is coming to a close he will soon find out. I do think that the slimy mcconnell will come to the rationale that he cannot protect trump without losing his status. I also want to see justice here in what I hope isn't a sham trial in the senate but regardless the real conviction will come in November when democrats and a majority of independents will render our verdict of guilty and toss the Manchurian candidate posing as the appointed president out on his ass! The weight of the lies from the trumps is a mighty heavy load today for republicans so let's see if they stumble and drop the load of shit right on the steps of the White House.
     Not since the day before the election in 2016 have I felt this good about our future here in America and in the world. The end of trumps is now for me going to happen. All that remains is how it will actuate itself. If come November he is still the candidate then so be it and as such his days will be numbered by the lame duck period he has to try to pardon himself. Yet he cannot escape all justice nor can he alter our constitution to buy himself more time in the executive branch like his mentor putin. Today is a wonderful day for those of us who have been worn to the bone by the incredibly noxious trumps. Here is to a return to normalcy on the horizon.

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