Saturday, January 18, 2020

Today's women march (#4004)

     I am not all that well yet but I am well enough to get out today and march for our women's rights. I can think of no better usage of my time on this day than to stand up with other like minded souls and say quit treating our women like they are not equal to we men. These women are our mothers, sisters, daughters etc.. so why wouldn't we want fr them at least what we men have? Why wouldn't we? We need more men to join the ranks of women protesting for their rights guaranteed by the very nature of being human. What the hell is wrong with us men that we are not able to defend those whom we hold most dear? It says a lot about who we are when we cannot find it within ourselves to demand justice when it involves our women!
     I am confounded by the idea that our women need to be seconded to we men when we men are an awful sorry lot. We cannot even find our hearts when it is in competition with our pocketbooks. Whereas our women are as fair to their hearts as they are to their own survivability. There is so much we men could learn from our women if we would just unstick our heads out of our asses! We men are so proud of our chest beating strength when alone but we are like the crying little boys in public and cower from fights of integrity. The time to invest our strengths and energies into promoting our women beyond the idea of them being only subservient to us is here and today once again we get to show it.
     When you stare at yourself in the mirror this morning you should be asking if this is the kind of world you thought you would be living in when you were a young person just starting out in life. I know it isn't the one I envisioned and in fact it is nowhere near that vision of mine. We went to the moon when I was nearly 14 and since then our lives have just about gone backwards. You know me and I lay most all the blame on republicans because they are the party of greed, division, and condescension. Today's Women's march is our chance to reverse the effects of republican dominion over our lives. If we care and love our women then this really is a no-brainer! Get out and march today and let your feet and your voices support our women!

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