Tuesday, January 14, 2020

4 thousandth post today (#4000)

     Well now, milestones are just markers in time but some have a more significant achievement. Not that anyone post by number is better or more important than another but it does give this writer and and any reader a sense of continuity for purpose. This is one of those times. Doing anything with intent over 4000 times, without doing damage to our sensibilities, is encouraging in that commitments matter even through tough times. Of which it has been both tough and easy to write in this forum. Lately tough, especially with trump and his ascendancy. Yet it is because of trump that I didn't stop in my own final analysis.
     There were times when I thought "what is the point of this" when we cannot find it within ourselves to be who we are destined to be instead of who we are not. But those of us who fight because we know that we will not be part of what is destructive to the overall good, is why we fight. I remember after trump was appointed that surely my blog post and others of more fame would come under attack and elimination by the ruthless and brutish nature of trump. But like other media we have not found ourselves at the sharp end of his stick and may likely avoid that grave consequence.
     Instead we muster our grit and write with the flourish of a Shakespeare, at least in our minds we do. Because to let go of our voices is to let go of our will. Not even the dastardly trump has that kind of power to take our will and spit on it. I know for me it will be with my own demise before I give the worst of who we are the reigns over who the best of who we are. So today as I enjoy a little milestone marker in time I also reflect back to all the other 3999 posts that got me here. There has been no major revelation coming from me except one. That our natures of dominance are our curiosity and our caring. These two impetus' are the foundation of humanity and for humanity to survive, the knowledge of our existentialism must always be at the forefront of our behavior.

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