Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Something has to break (#3993)

     Either we will find ourselves in the most precarious and dangerous war we have had since world war 2 or trump will be dealt with in a way that ends his reign. Something has to give and for now it seems that we Americans are going to be the pawns in trump's game of death. If somehow cooler heads prevail then we may survive this debacle but if not then trump will have set us all up for a colossal failure. He has been held in check for the last 3 years but he seems now fully intent on creating a disaster as a way to protect his appointed presidency.
     Our American experiment had been chugging along with some success until the last several decades. With nixon and reagan beginning the end for us; the bushes and trump are finishing us off with the annihilation of our democracy. All these presidents, elected and appointed, have been hammering nails in our coffin but it has been trump who is now setting fire to the coffin. His total lack of honorable conviction is just the latest effort on his part to burn the whole planet down if he can get away with it and survive. He has no allegiance to America nor to any country that would restrict his ambitions.
     If we actually make it to November it is my understanding that he will be voted out in record numbers but with him he may thwart any election if he wants to keep his appointed office. There is no doubt in my mind that he would institute Marshall law and discontinue our constitution as a lever to initiate his continued rule beyond the 2020 election. He is a megalomaniac when it comes to protecting himself from the rule of law so suspending it and giving himself sole power to decide the fate of the world is more expected than improbable. something has to break and hopefully it will be that trump is removed from office and our world can get back to the caring evolution of civility and modernization.

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