Friday, January 24, 2020

The soulless republican party (#4010)

     This morning my younger cat was not among the others when I got up and it was a bit startling. He is always there with me as I get up and the other animals stay in their comfy sleepy spots. But no Arthur at all. So I went about my morning routine and then settled in at my desk and then realized again that Art was nowhere to be seen. Then I got a bit worried and went out back into my big backyard that borders the creek and called for him and searched with my flashlight. Still no (Art the Bartholomeow). Then I went our front and called for him in case he was up the street where he doesn't belong. Still nothing.
     Then as I was back in my seat in front of the computer thinking not so good thoughts about him being lost, he does have a chip, or worse. Nonchalantly he comes strolling in through the back doggie/cat door like no big deal. Well I wanted to hug him and scold him simultaneously and that is what I did. First off because the immense relief I felt at not having a missing loved one as well as making sure he knew I was not happy with him carousing. lol. This is what having a soul and a heart is. Worried for life regardless of its species and then actually feeling that worry when it is triggered. I cannot see this with the republican party.
     All I see with the republican party is a group of people who would harm without the effect of that harm penetrating them. Soulless is how I see it. Because if you are not an emotional being when appropriate then you are not a fully functioning human being. There is something off about you when your ability to empathize or care about others is lacking. These types of people are not what we the rest of us who are human in the most basic of ways need to be our leaders. They need to be led by others who can show them what a real human being is and does. The republican party is not only now showing it's lack of a soul but it is also showing it's inability to logically form intelligent thought. How on Earth do we survive these republican people?

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