Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Which stain? The big one or the littler one? (#4014)

     Senate republicans are going to be stained forever on the conviction vote regardless of which way they vote. However there is a choice as to the depth of the stain that they can consider. If they vote in lockstep with mcconnell and give trump a pass for his criminal acts then they will be stained widely and deeply. If however they allow for witnesses to be called in a fair way, then their stain is limited to a more superficial spotting. Because they have already voted to not allow for witnesses and for that they cannot undo. Yet they can change their minds and allow for witnesses if they so choose. It is up to them if they want the larger stain from trump to tarnish them for the rest of their lives and fall onto the heads of their families.
     Because make no doubt, history will not be kind to those who think and act as if they are immune to truth. The trump era will end and its narrative will be written with all those who allowed him the escape from justice he so absolutely deserves. Those who enabled him during this time will be called out not as patriots to democracy but as traitors to democracy like Benedict Arnold was during the Revolutionary War. I have come to know our nation over my lifetime and although we are a selfish uncaring lot at times we are also above all that fear and condescension. There is a rot here in America that has festered into a cancerous pustule. But we have the political cure for that cancer and its manifestation and over some time will remedy the underlying rot that caused it.
     So what will those republican senators do? It seems that the unknown today is any one's guess and I am not going to guess myself. But either way they go they are going to pay a price and given that they are capitalist republicans the presumption is that they would want pay the least price possible. The trump appointed presidency is coming to an end on November 3rd. so their allowing themselves to be stained in a deeper larger way for a few months and given that they will then be subjected to the greatest threat to their own reelection campaigns makes for a scary challenge for them. The worm has turned on republicans and they are the ones who are now desperate to maintain a tantrum laced presidency in the face of a fierce and punishing opposition.

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