Friday, January 17, 2020

What is left for trump, round up us dissidents? (#4003)

     My dreams last night were of trump attempting to take over our government with a coup. It felt so real because for one it would be something many of us would not be surprised if he tried. Second it is almost necessary for him now that all the Ukraine evidence is slowly but surely leaking out. There are not many scenarios left for trump in order to avoid becoming a one term appointed president. But to be able to pull off his coup he would need his people in place in his what is loosely called his administration. That he pretty much does have on the civilian side.
     However on the military side he is not so well placed. Most of the military likes that he is continuing a ballooning budget but they don't like what he stands for as a human being. Even at that the rank and file level of the military, they are not a bunch of gangsters ready to kill Americans. The state, local police, and guard forces may be of some help to him but my guess is that they as well would rebuff any overture by trump to destroy our democracy. That leaves some form of Marshall Law he may try as a way to start a campaign to usurp power and then find a way to consolidate it.
     But for now it seems that trump has no way to continue his ill gotten appointed presidency with extra judicial methods. He is either going to be convicted in the senate, which is unlikely given the collusion the majority there republicans have shown, or he will be disposed at election time when the vast majority of us will not let him bully his obnoxious brand of leadership any further. That trump is a criminal awaiting his due when he is thrown out of office is more the impetus for his desperation to hold onto the presidency than any sense of leading with the guise of integrity. We will survive the trump reign of despair and for what he has done to us he will be the one who is rounded up and given his well deserved due!

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