Thursday, January 23, 2020

The cult republican party is in the last gasps (#4009)

     What a display of outright creepiness. The republican party is so entwined by its lies that they cannot muster any rationale for why they are doing what they are doing in the face of what reality is telling us. What reality is telling us is that they are turning themselves into a petty group of criminals in order to protect a high crime criminal. It is just so obvious to those of us on the outside watching this unfold. The republican controlled senate is a mockery to the world right now with its lack of respectability and it's not so subtle ulterior motive of protecting trump from his proven crimes. This has to be one of the lowest points in American history, and not only that one of the most shameful periods of a total lack of honorable governance.
     I am here as an American and as such can see the republican party for who they are. They are the minority party here but they are the majority in our public administrations. How is this possible? The first answer of several is that they are not above doing dirty tricks and cheating when possible. They have a standing directive within their structure to turn away the voting public. They are consistent in denying the right to vote to those who would vote against them. Second is that they manipulate their message to disguise the fact of their cruel agenda. They trumpet their lies at all times in order to keep ahead of the fact checkers who cannot possibly stay abreast of their non-stop propaganda. Third, they have gerrymandered themselves into districts that make the minority, the majority in too many states.
     But the worst of all the nefarious reasons republicans are in power when they are the minority cult party is that they use outside influence and dark money from their donors to overwhelm honest and decent democratic candidates. The connection to foreign influence centers on the republican party. They are able to keep the smoking gun evidence from coming into the public square, so they just deny the accusations and continue to subvert our democracy. So do not, and I mean do not ever expect a republican to put America first when it conflicts with them putting the cult republican party first. Because there is one ideal within republicanism and that is to maintain power through any option, even to betray not only their oath to their constituents but to the oath they give to support and defend the democracy of our American Constitution.

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