Friday, January 3, 2020

Another trump betrayal of his oath of office (#3989)

     Assassinating a foreign general from a country we are not at war with is beyond the pale. Much like the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor before a declaration of war by Japan against the United States, this is criminal. Why on Earth would trump sanction such a devious attack? Well his poll numbers are crap and he has said many times that President Obama would start a war with Iran to help his reelection. Well trump is in a bind on his reelection so starting a war with Iran seems to be his hole card to possibly get reelected. First trump scraps the US/Iran nuclear prohibition treaty and now he provokes a first strike against Iran in a brutish and illegal fashion.
     As this day plays out the Iranian position is clear. they need at least a proportional response as a measure to "save face". that is the minimum response we can expect. a more likely response will be an escalated attack by Iran to show their strength in the face of trump's illegal and dangerous gambit. I don't know how this day will play out but it is my hope that the diplomats who are in charge of explaining this fiasco can somehow convince Iran that this has more to do with the insecurities of trump than any anger we Americans have against the Iranian people. The trumps of this world don't really care about anyone but themselves so this attack by trump is wholly just an election ploy with vastly dangerous consequences to our world peace.
     A mediation is now needed very badly and hopefully cooler heads than the ones in the trump administration will take charge of this and ameliorate it as best as possible. The world now has shifted its sympathy to the Iranian people because a lawless act against them is a jolt to our world's sensibilities. That trump is proving to be a non law abiding world actor is now obvious for the world to see and I suspect he is getting an earful now from all ends of our planet. He should well be getting more than an earful from our own citizenry. We need to make sure that trump does nothing more to escalate what could be a world crushing war that would likely involve the nuclear capabilities of so many nations who have that option.

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