Thursday, January 2, 2020

Once again, the media portraying a close election, don't believe it! (#3988)

     I saw something yesterday where the media has the presidency at too close to call. It about confirmed to me what the republican strategy is, to deflate the democratic wave coming in November. Like I have said numerous times before, do not buy into what the print or television media is saying about how this election is to be. We democrats are too wary of it by now given the ownership of media and the money republicans are spending to deny the democratic blue wave. We the democrats need to be mindful that our message is getting out as well and keep our momentum toward defeating the worst political party ever presented in American politics.
     When we democrats all vote there is no way republicans can win, and I mean no way. The avalanche of votes would deny republicans in most political races. There are a few safe havens for republicans but in the contested areas republicans will get beat if we democrats keep our eye on the ball of voting to defeat trump. I do not care who our nominee is and no matter whom it is I will be doing everything I can to get that person elected. So should all the rest of our democratic party. There will be no time left to lose on infighting over nuances when the other option is trump who will begin to destroy what is left of our social safety net while stacking the supreme court with his nefariously unqualified candidates.
     Why do I care about this? Because it is happening on my watch and nothing as politically rotten to the core as trump and his acolytes will be allowed to rule while I still breathe air. I may fail in my attempt to end the political reign of trump but it won't be because I didn't try with all my might. In the big picture it is the survivability of our democracy I am fighting for much like the forefathers and mothers of our past generations did in revolutionary, civil and world wars. This is a fight for the right to remain a democracy and if that isn't enough for all of us democrats to rally behind whomever is our nominee then we will not only lose this coming election but we will have been collaborators in our own defeat!

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