Sunday, January 12, 2020

Nothing good to post today (#3998)

Nothing to see here. Well at least worthy of anything informative. I suppose I could write about my day. I went early this morning to pick up some odds and ends pieces of furniture from a friend who likes to give me her excessive furniture. Funny how life is that way and sometimes I actually keep some pieces she gives me but otherwise I just pass them along to anyone who can use something. I got back home from that little adventure, actually I always feel like the Beverly Hillbillies who have a truck loaded up with "belongings". I still need to pull half the items off my truck but that will be for tomorrow.
     I also found out today that my Mom who was in the hospital for falling and breaking a bone in her back that was not a spinal bone is being transferred to the nursing home so that she can do some rehabilitation before going home. And my Dad is in the Veterans Hospital with the real possibility of having some of his foot amputated as a result of diabetes. A very difficult week for my parents and by extension a very emotional week for me. I have some respiratory distress so I cannot go and see them without chancing them being susceptible to my contagion. So at home I stay except for this morning going out to get this furniture.
     I totally forgot to post a subject this morning so tonight as I get ready to go to bed I am writing this post so that I can keep my daily blog daily. I am almost done and that is good because I am so tired right now all I want to do is lay down. So that is the end of this and thankfully it won't be published in my usual forums. to weak a post to have it out there so in blogger it will stay. lol.

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