Thursday, January 9, 2020

299 days until the election (#3995)

     I have just only been mildly interested in who eventually ends up being our democratic nominee because all my focus has been on making sure that anyone but trump is elected. So there is no infighting coming from me about who will eventually claim our party's leadership. Simply put even tulsi gabbard is a better choice than trump and I have no good feelings for her that I can find. Yet if we were to somehow win our nomination I would be one of her most vociferous backers. Because although she is not in line with most of the policies that I see as necessary for our American electorate, she is not the traitor trump who is all about destroying American democracy and becoming a lifetime ruler.
     I have little doubt that tulsi will not be our nominee so it is even better as a probability that a candidate who is more in line with my own vision will be nominated making our lives after the election that much more happier and safe. What doesn't change though is my absolute determination to support our nominee with all that I have. Hell, I would even support a cactus plant if it were our nominee. That is the determination I have in my soul to make sure that trump is not reappointed to the presidency. It would be better for all we democrats if we got the most coveted candidate as our nominee and then ride those coattails through to taking the Senate and holding onto the House.
     The perfect candidate is not out there at this moment so it is unlikely some perfect candidate will come along and enter the race although I am still holding out for Jon Stewart. Regardless though, When the primaries are nearly finished come the first part of May we should be focused on our nominee. Then all of us, no matter which candidate we wanted, must support the chosen one. We must do this if we are to erase the national stain of trump and step away from the disgrace he unfolded on us. This is very important and cannot be stressed enough. We must unite behind whomever comes out on top of our primary season and then make damn sure that person is the next President of the United States.

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