Wednesday, January 8, 2020

300 days until the election (#3994)

     Well it seems that the bone spur appointed leader has found his moment to back down. Thanks to Iran for taking into consideration the overall welfare of our nation despite trump. I am liking the logic from the Iranians in this instance as they were able to save face and give the dolt trump a path to sanity. I wasn't sure trump would take it but apparently the cowardice is strong within him and we are all fortunate for that. Now that we have put the edge of this confrontation behind us, although not entirely off the edge, we can begin to work our minds toward the coming election and ousting this upsetting excuse for a human being.
     300 days is not very long as we get closer to the primaries beginning. By the end of march we will have had over 50% of our caucuses and primaries decided so the beginning of a very busy time beginning on February 3rd's Iowa caucus is approaching. Before you know it we will have our democratic candidate and nearly less than 150 days before the election. As long as trump doesn't kill us all playing at being a military man, remember the bone spurs? Anyway, hopefully this Iranian saga is done and we can get back to the impeachment of an idiot who is less a commander and chief and more a wannabe criminal mob boss.
     300 days until we can officially oust the worst president ever to have held office in our nations long history. Each president serves in office for 1,461 days per term, so in comparison the 300 days left are minimal. Yet the danger is still real especially since trump is not above causing a war in order to help his election chances. He has little empathy for those who are not him and although his base loves that about him we the majority of Americans do not. So when we get to November 3rd it is my hope that the damage to our nation is less than what it could be and he is ushered out of office through losing the election and then removed from our nation's White House.

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