Wednesday, January 22, 2020

No god exists but we humans do! (#4008)

     I began writing this blog because I wanted all of us to know that despite there being no god, we humans have within us the nature of powerful good. Actually twin natures of curiosity and compassion. Together they merge to create within us what it is to be human. We want to know what is around us and we care about who we are. The idea of family and community is a human one that is not only our trait but it is the trait shared by most all living beings. Our need to know is fueled by an insatiable desire to understand. Our curiosity is at the core of what it is to be human and no amount of disassembling will ever change that.
     So the idea that we would need a god in order for us to be human is a manufactured illogical premise. I don't need the idea of heaven or religious morality to be a good person. I am already a good person who works to stay that way. There are many temptations for me to deny that would take from my principled life and because I am a human being I can choose not to become susceptible to temptation. I have tried temptation on a smaller scale and the temptation had always left me hollow and discouraged. A short term advantage for a long term misery. Learning from my mistakes has been an invaluable lesson for me and although I wish I would avoid trial and error it does teach its lesson.
     So if compassion and curiosity are my two pillar human traits why is it that I am mean and angry at times? It is because I choose to be. I don't have to be but I obviously choose to be. It isn't who I am but it seems that as a human I forget what is best about me when I get outside my own nature. Surely others who have no moral or ethical compass trigger in me these "outside" attributes and it is understandable to become lesser than myself when faced with cruel and brutish behavior. I do have a survival instinct that requires me to fend off attacks of brute force or manipulated narratives that threaten my existence yet only as a survival mechanism is it natural to leave the state of my compassion and curiosity if it means I will no longer survive in the face of such anti life affirming destructions.

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