Monday, March 29, 2021

A key union vote in Alabama is ending today (#4440)

      Two years ago a Volkswagen plant in Tennessee tried to unionize but failed as alleged threats of intimidation and violence were claimed by union activists. Under a trump regime that would seem to be the most likely truth given the trump disdain for workers. But this time with the Amazon warehouse workers in Alabama, the threats of intimidation and violence have not been front and center, yet are still alleged. President Biden came out and specifically admonished any anti union intimidation or threats. We will see how that worked out in the next few days as the secret ballots are counted.
     The idea that workers are intimidated or threatened to vote against their own self interest is not a democratic tactic. It is instead a tactic of a bully who wants others to bow down to his whims. Well I hope Alabamans see this for what it is as a false threat that cannot stand against an organized union. Especially with a pro union President and Congress. Even though the state politics in Alabama are heavily republican they are no match for the federal protections unions can avail themselves of. The hard fought right to work in a union is worth the effort. Not only does the pay become a livable wage but a union also protects the safety of workers beyond limited republican state requirements.
     This vote is also to be seen as a referendum on the progressive/liberal policies that are about to become US law with any luck at all. I have been waiting for this vote to end, today, since the Georgia runoff senatorial elections. This union vote is huge and will be a harbinger for things to come in other states where unionizing will get a big lift if and when this union election prevails. Now is the time to begin again with union drives all over the country to help raise the wages of a lot of people to beyond poverty wages. If the obstructing Congressional republicans are not going to raise the minimum wage then bringing about more unionization will surely do much to alleviate the republican agenda of keeping America's workers poor.

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