Thursday, March 4, 2021

The republican dumbing down of American society (#4415)

      The republican party is not for an enlightened society, they are for an obedient one. If you haven't noticed over the last 50 years it has been the ambition of the republican party to bastardize religion and other mind control paradigms so that they could control how far the envelope of possibilities is expanded in how we think. Since the 1960's, the decade of my greatest growth, the republican party has found that when enlightenment is left to itself the control they can have over it is lessened. They don't like that because if you have figured this out yet the only thing that matters to republicans is control. Sure they like the wealth they can glean from it but the control is the highest priority.
     That is why you see them constantly going against society with their obstructions when improvements to society are promoted. It is why they use religion like a weapon to punish any and all who do not worship at the altar of republican jesus, aka... for now trump. He was the most likely patsy for their ambition and still he doesn't get that he is just a pawn in the game of whittling down the American populace through difficult and hardship laden economic reality and the unleashing of a Covid-19 virus that republicans are at most tepid about constraining. The more of us who die is okay in the bigger picture for them because controlling how we live and think is still number one with them and if they cannot control us then they will allow us to be eliminated.
     I know this may sound harsh but I have lived fighting against the conservative/republican/anti democracy crowd my whole aware life and if you think I don't mean what I am saying here then you have no clue about the chaos in your own life and where it originates from. I feel badly for those who cannot fathom that the republican party is not patriotic to our constitution, when all you have to do is look at the latest voter suppression push by republican controlled state legislatures. Look at the unanimous obstruction to the Covid-19 relief bill where republicans are saying that Americans are doing fine without it. Where republican governors are opening up their states to more Covid-19 transmissions. The proof is all around and the only question is do you want to recognize it?

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