Thursday, March 18, 2021

The momentum is still growing for filibuster reform (#4429)

      Yesterday I was more enthusiastic about Senator Joe Manchin than I am today because yesterday he clarified that he is still against filibuster reform so far. Yet in past interviews he indicated he was open to reform. Well be that as it may the rest of the democratic caucus in the Senate is moving toward some form of reform that will give legislation a real chance to pass. Otherwise there will be no legislation passing under the grim reaper moscow mitch's minority watch. If that holds until the 2022 elections then we democrats will suffer some mighty depressing losses. Which is why keeping the pressure on for a filibuster reform is critical for the future of our democracy.
     With President Joe Biden getting behind filibuster reform for the first time 2 days ago we are seeing more and more democratic senators speaking out for reform in some form. As well many powerful democratic figures in the House are also speaking out because they know that without filibuster reform the only other way they will be able to pass any piece of legislation into law is the last usage in this Congress of the budget reconciliation process. The budget reconciliation process can only be used 2 times during a term of Congress which is every 2 years. So if it isn't related directly to the budget, like we were advised about a minimum wage increase not making the cut, then it won't pass by the king of obstruction moscow mitch.
     The only way to get to filibuster reform is to get Joe Manchin of West Virginia to agree. He is the last stubborn holdout and if we democrats are to keep our majorities in the 2022 election then Joe Manchin will have to help us. Otherwise, I know he must know this, we will lose both the house and senate next year. What it will take is everyone making the persuasive argument like Senator Raphael Warnock did yesterday on the senate floor. That our democracy is in peril if we do not defend the right to vote and to do that we must get past the senate rule that can be changed at any time. Joe Manchin has the weight of history bearing down on him and if he doesn't relent and give our democracy a real chance to survive then he will go down in history as the one who put the final nail in the coffin of America's great democratic experiment.

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