Monday, March 22, 2021

The republican party is still digging a hole over the stimulus (#4433)

      The vast majority of our nation is very happy with the stimulus law that just passed with zero republican votes in the House and Senate. With 76% of Americans supporting the stimulus and even 60% of republicans, the bill had widespread support among all political persuasions Yet not one republican voted for the bill. So now 21 republican led states are now crying about aspects the stimulus law. So 60% of republican voters want the support of the stimulus law but their representatives are still trying to deny them the relief. To me that is the opposite of what the republican elected officials should be doing but I don't get to order their thoughts.
     To me it is an infighting that has much more to do about denying democrats a victory in passing the necessary, much needed relief than it is about the relief itself. But at what point does the incongruity of their stance begin to whittle away their supporters from the republican party? Think about this, if I were asking you to vote for me and I said that what you want and need most will not happen, how would I expect that you would vote for me? I would have to be a fool to think that doing the opposite of what you expect is a winning message? I am no political prognosticator on an expert level but even I can see that the messaging in the form of stimulus denial can be a winning agenda item going forward.
     I expect that the public case that is to come demanded by republican led states will get no traction and be frowned upon by those whom the law is aimed at for relief. Yet there it is republicans doing to themselves that we democrats would have paid good money to see them do. I mean if the opposing political party wants to destroy their own chances at regaining relevancy then so be it. I have no sympathy for republicans since it is a choice to be one. There is no force that is holding the republican party together other than their own machinations. So keep digging republicans as more of our states citizenry receive the aid they most desperately need. Try and take it back from them once they have already used it to improve their lives without your help.

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