Sunday, March 7, 2021

For the People Act 2021 (#4418)

      The House this last week passed the For the People Act. This is the most significant piece of legislation dealing with voting rights and other important ethics since the original voting rights act in 1965, Besides the Covid relief bill that will become law no later than this coming week, this For the People Act of 2021 is the highest priority of any bill yet to soon to become law. The Senate will not pas it under the current 60 vote threshold needed so how will this voting rights act affirmatively get past the Senate? 
     Unless there is a way to also do voting rights through a reconciliation process similar to the budget reconciliation process there is only one other way and that is to eliminate or redesign the filibuster in a way that gives the majority vote of 51 the path forward. I am no Senate scholar as to rules but it seems to me that frustration by all who want progress should allow us to make hard decisions that do very good things. Those decisions are in our near future because there is one thing I know for sure is that moscow mitch mcconnell will not let anything of Joe Biden's agenda pass the Senate under the current 60 vote filibuster threshold.
     That frustration that mcconnell will bring out in our democratic leaders should suffice to trigger unity in finding a way around the 60 vote threshold. Especially important is that the For the People Act of 2021 is a direct solution to the republican party and their current rush to restrict and obstruct voting rights of millions of Americans in many states. Making the states comply with this new bill from the House will require the Senate to pass it as well and Joe Biden to sign it when it hits his desk. Only then will these republican plans to thwart the will of the people be extinguished. The republican party knows that they cannot win elections unless they restrict and obstruct voting.

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