Friday, March 19, 2021

Skirting the filibuster and raising taxes (#4430)

      The idea that raising taxes in the regular filibuster driven senate is a fools errand. Because raising taxes is part of how the infrastructure bill will need to become law. So unless the filibuster is at least skirted it will have no chance, zero chance of passing when needing at least 10 republican votes. Same with the high priority Voting rights bill recently passed in the house although not with the tax increase component. The whole of the Biden presidency in these first two years is contingent on moving past the filibuster or eliminating it. My preference is to totally eliminate the filibuster for good and then get on with passing the American people's preference for our future.
     The republican party does not want that and in fact are fighting to end the idea of a true democracy. They want a republican patriarchy where only the wealthy and themselves have a say in how our government is structured. As we see in the many states currently republican led legislatures are passing bills to limit and obstruct access to the ballot box for those who are traditional democratic voters. Suppressing the vote is a republican agenda item along with suppressing equality of opportunity for those who are not them. This really is not a difficult concept to understand in that without getting past the filibuster in the senate the Biden administration will not be able to pass any meaningful legislation this Congressional term.
     So what are the options here? If no filibuster reform then no help for the working middle poor class and no improving the state of American society. Nothing will change for the good while the worst of what America is will gain more importance. If filibuster reform is achieved soon then policies that have overwhelming American electorate support will find their way into law. Real change will begin to happen and the American dream of equality of opportunity and the equal pursuit of happiness for all will dominate instead of being impossible. The choice is real simple at this point so how we move forward in the next few months will determine which pathway we take as a nation.

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