Friday, March 12, 2021

The recovery act (#4423)

      There is a new law in town and it won't be taking any shit from republicans. This new law was passed by democrats with no republicans voting for it. Yesterday President Biden signed the bill into law and today it is going full non stop toward supplying our nation with eagerly needed resources. Such is the shape of the republican party these days when a bill that is welcomed by over 70% of the nation is not supported at all by republican politicians and becomes law without one of them agreeing to vote for it. So no time for republicans who are whining about the scope of the law while it helps put needed resources everywhere in our pandemic riddled economy.
     This recovery act is the first step that the Biden/Harris administration has taken to alleviate the ills caused by the previous corrupt administration. What a momentous achievement in the first 50 days of our new intelligent and caring administration. The good that will come from this will be felt in every corner of our nation. Individuals and entities like small businesses, cities, and states will now be able to come out from under a heavy financial burden to at least breathe some fresh air of economic opportunity. As well will we as a nation begin to see the vaccines hit our populace with increased speed and inoculation options.
     Defeating the pandemic here at home is priority number one while getting resources to our most vulnerable citizens who have had to endure the ineptitude of the previous administration and the hardship they caused unnecessarily. The recovery act will not only defeat the covid-19 virus but it will strengthen our economy with a robust rebound. What happens in the foreseeable future with our other goals of election security, infrastructure repair and replacement, immigration reform and climate change initiatives is yet to be seen but if the recovery act is any indication we will not be too surprised if the Biden/Harris administration is successfully fulfilled, senate filibuster notwithstanding.

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