Monday, March 8, 2021

Two political polar opposite approaches to the pandemic (#4419)

      As you may already know the House and Senate passed the Covid relief bill with only democratic votes. No republican voted for the bill in either chamber of Congress. So to say that the democratic response to Covid is to help struggling Americans not only get their inoculations of vaccines but to get financial help to get through the current economic bottleneck until the pandemic is better under control would be as factual as any statement made. That no republican voted for the bill is another stark fact that helping Americans when in the midst of a pandemic isn't their goal.
     As well in the 50 states, DC and our territories, mask mandates had been either used or partially used to help stem the flow of the virus. Yet now several republican led states are discontinuing the usage of masks as if the pandemic were under control. These states that are doing this are led by republican governors who have been defiant in the face of scientific data and conclusion. So just ignoring Covid seems to be their agenda. Not much of a plan when an attack on the health and safety of our populace. As we democrats who lead in states and at the federal level continue to practice good health and safety guidelines to blunt the spread of the virus we see again the polar opposite approach in how to deal with the current viral contagion.
     There is another election coming up in 2022 and if the leaders who are up for election have found themselves firmly on one side of how to deal with the pandemic or the other it may be wise for we voters to distinguish who is trying to contain and eliminate the virus and who is unconcerned about the viral spread. Now to make this perfectly clear if you vote for the republican party you are voting to NOT care for protecting our society from imminent debilitation and death. Or if perhaps you are voting for democrats then you are voting to protect our society from a virus that can and will be subdued through practicing safe and healthy procedures for the very near future. I, as a logical man know that the democratic approach is the best path forward, How about you?

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