Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The white man's calculus (#4441)

      I am a white man. yet I am not like too many white men who think they are owed privilege and advantage just for being white. When I was a child I began to learn about racism. How we whites were kept separate from other non white races. We were inculcated to believe that our heritage of whiteness was a gift from god or some special entitlement beyond human understanding. The luck of the draw as if a last straw defense. Well I am here to say that the initial instructions in our youth were nothing but vanity and racism itself. We were part of a segregating system that flowed from generation to generation without the need to question. Yet for me the question came almost immediately.
     I, in my life of adventure and discovery, found that other non whites were at least the same as me and many times better than me. I wasn't disillusioned from my foundational thinking I was actually relieved that it was only that I was lied to out of fear and ignorance. Because for me, inside, I knew that logic and common sense told me that there is no color line when it comes to being a human being. Examples are all around us in nature. So just as quickly as I, as a white male, was taught to be special I learned and then started living like everyone was special. Our differences as human beings is in our striving to be better people. Some deserve much more accolade for their outstanding merit while others are content to live a satisfactory existence of their own good pursuit of happiness.
     The problem of today is that still too many have not found that the color of one's skin is a non factor. What is a factor is the life within that skin and how that life is lived. The pervasive concept of privilege and advantage as a right due to a white skin tone is not a logical consequence of intelligence. It is rather a diluted concept that has the lazy attribute of ambition without the merit. To change this dynamic of skin tone differentiation we must start at the beginning. Where most all white's my age and older, along with many younger, were taught that a white man's way was the future. Logic, science, nature, and reality will not beg to differ any longer but instead demand that skin tone differentiation be dismissed as illogically racist.

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