Thursday, March 11, 2021

The republican leech party (#4422)

      So it took only hours for a republican senator yesterday to claim victory in a part of the Covid-19 relief plan that he voted against. He didn't vote for the program in the bill but is brimming with pride that it passed. So he didn't vote to pass it but is claiming credit for it passing. I get it even though it makes no sense. Because the republican party is like a leech, they attach themselves to a healthy body and suck life giving energy and sustenance from its host. So anything that is a positive thing is now up for claiming as their own if it serves their purpose of doing nothing for something.
     I really didn't expect them to move this fast in claiming the stimulus bill as something they brought about, unless voting against it brought it about which still makes no sense. But history has shown that with President Obama's stimulus bill after the last republican induced disaster, republicans who voted against it also claimed victory by voting against it. It seems that the past doesn't change much in the future with the republican agenda. Vote against something helpful and popular with the American public and then claim responsibility for it's passing even though voting against it. Still it makes no sense no matter how many times I type it and then conclude from the premises.
     So back to the republican party and "what is it good for", like the verse in the song War by Edwin Starr, "absolutely nothing". They vote against the bill that provides relief to most of the working middle poor class and health care for containing the virus, and yet say look at me and say thanks because the bill exists because of me. I am bit hyperbolic but I have no doubt there will be other republicans who see the writing on the wall that they are scum for voting no on the bill and will somehow invert that factual no into an alternative reality yes. The leeching ability that the republican party has evolved to is recognizable, because they have done it before and no doubt will do it again. Actions have consequences so vote to make the leeches go back into the cesspool and out of Congress.

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