Friday, March 26, 2021

The pressure is mounting (#4437)

      Yesterday I asked how long Senator Joe Manchin will hold out for bipartisanship. Well today that expected bit of time may have become much shorter. With the draconian voter obstruction law passed in Georgia yesterday along republican party lines, the heat on Manchin just turned up to a red hot level. There is little doubt now that the republican party will destroy democracy and replace it with autocracy. So Manchin is now going to have to come off his bipartisan perch because it doesn't exist. The republican party is going out full guns to make sure they are not denied power by voters in the next election.
     President Biden is already at the point of changing the filibuster or even eliminating it so Joe Manchin should not be far behind. Georgia was just the first republican led state to so restrict voting with many more to quickly follow so the time for Joe Manchin to come to the realization that his stand alone defense of bipartisanship on a voting rights bill that would expand and protect voting rights is impossible. His posturing was admirable for about a New York second but that second has long passed. I expect that Joe Manchin will relent and sign on the the John Lewis voting rights bill and agree to it's passage as his democratic caucus dictates.
     It is inevitable that the John Lewis voting rights bill that has already passed the house is going to become law or we will no longer be a democracy. So choose Joe Manchin because those chairmanships he now holds won't be there come the next election unless he protects voting rights. He has much too lose and if he is the one who allows republicans to retake the house and senate because he has more allegiance to a rule in the senate than he does to democracy itself then he will bring a curse down on himself and his namesakes. I doubt very much Joe Manchin is suicidal so he will bring his endorsement of the John Lewis voting rights bill in short order. The clamor for passing this bill into law in order to protect our democracy will stay at a fever pitch aimed directly at him until he does.

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