Tuesday, March 2, 2021

The minimum wage (#4413)

     I cannot for the life of me see how leaving the raising of the minimum wage out of the current budget reconciliation process will not doom the raising of the minimum wage to years of not changing. If there is one law that could be employed as an economic tool to a corrective effect it is raising the minimum wage. For all of my life the minimum wage has been a burden to me and those billion or so of children and adults who have moved into and out of life here in America during my 65 years. For the sake of all that is decent and good the minimum wage must be increased to give the majority of we Americans who are not gifted into life with a silver spoon the ability to have at least a beginning of a respectable life.
     The small minded who are blocking the minimum wage increase cannot possibly fathom the desperation and despair that emanates from the majority of us who have to live hand to mouth with little hope of passing down a better world to our children. The wrong headed conclusion that only the wealthy are deserving a good or great life put capitalism above democracy and that cannot ever be allowed to be the formula for government. Living and working to only remain in poverty is as cruel a policy as has ever been allowed to exist. For the wealthy in our society to be able to control how we the less advantaged and privileged exist is not only wrong it is antithetical to democracy.
     We did away with indentured servitude; we did away with slavery; we did away with jim crow laws. So now we have to do away with a poverty riddled minimum wage that has kept the majority of us from pursuing our happiness because we cannot get away form the trap of working all the time just to survive. Everyone gets that correct? Working ourselves to the weary end to have little more than we had when our lives began is us being manipulated. I shouldn't have to write about this because 90% of us are living this. We know the struggle we have just to exist. We want more but until we the people force our government to improve our lot by striking and protesting it seems it will not change for the foreseeable future.

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