Tuesday, April 13, 2021

The republican party is a disgrace (#4455)

     The Asian hate bill is going to be introduced into legislation in the Senate tomorrow and democrats are looking for  republicans not to filibuster the modest and narrow legislation. However we are talking about republicans in the Senate here so there is a great chance that the bill will be filibustered and then made more difficult to pass needing the 60 votes, ie 10 republican senators to vote with democrats. It is a test of sorts to show where the Senate stands on legislation that is by far neutral and limited. Yet as with all things that republicans do in the senate these days nothing is a slam dunk with them. they should just let the bill pass and vote for it but knowing them they will not do that!
     Which plays into the obvious narrative that there will be no legislation passed in the senate without republicans invoking the dreaded filibuster. So in effect no legislation will pass the Senate during regular order in this 2 year term. Which should give we democrats much ammunition to supply to manchin and sinema in rebutting their hope to have bipartisan legislation. There will be no bipartisan legislation if republicans are expected to vote for it. The reason is that if republicans give democrats a victory by helping them pass legislation they see that as hurting their chances in the next election. This isn't about the legislation itself which is sorely needed, no, this is about republicans keeping power and the hell with America's needs.
     I have been saying this for most of my life, the republican party is a disease that a healthy society cannot afford to entertain. We will never make life more livable for the vast majority of Americans while republicans control power. So expecting them to suddenly find their bipartisan hats is way too many bridges too far! This vote tomorrow on the Asian hate crime bill will once again expose the folly of expecting republicans to do the correct thing and help the American people. The only people that republicans want to help are the wealthy and the sooner everyone, yes you manchin and sinema, understand this the quicker we can get to passing laws that help everyone, yes, even republicans!

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