Monday, April 5, 2021

Full court pressure on the republican party over voting rights restrictions and denial (#4447)

      The time for playing around about this issue of denying voting rights is past time! The republican party are the only ones who are blatantly restricting and denying voting rights to our electorate. There is no dispute so let us all acknowledge that there will be a spot light put on them that will only get hotter! The only way to really make the republican party pay for their anti democratic agenda is to cut them off from all private campaign financing. There will always be some who are anti democratic and they will always support republicans. But for corporations who are beholden to all for the success of their products, they must be made to feel direct financial loss if they don't stop supporting anti democratic republican candidates.
     That we would even have to threaten boycotting their corporate products in order for them to stop giving money to the republican party is in itself an insane dynamic. Why would anyone support destroying democracy when it is democracy that allows them to exist? They are supposed to be intelligent enough to be able to ascertain this without the many of us having to remind them. Well we will do more than remind them we will make them hurt in as many ways possible until they enlighten themselves to who they are and what we allow them to be. So until they actually come out against all candidates, federal and state who want to restrict and deny voting rights to eligible American citizens then to hell with them on a rail!
     We democrats have another job to pay attention to and his name is Joe Manchin. He needs a primer in what his obstinate stance will accomplish. He will lose his senate chairmanships and his ability to influence legislation after the 2022 midterm elections because of his inability to vote with his democratic caucus. The democracy destroying republicans will find the way to get back their majorities in the house and senate and then Joe Manchin and his family unfortunately will be vilified in the present and future for being the judas to our party and our nation. I don't want to think that this scenario will become fact but if we don't move him off his current position I can guarantee you this will happen!

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