Friday, April 30, 2021

Everything is in place to improve our society except the will of a few holdout democrats (#4472)

      I love the fact that Joe Biden has found the mindset that matches the majority of we Americans. His ideas for fixing our society are straight out of our progressive/liberal playbook. The importance of him being in this frame of mind is crucial especially given that our planet, and social/political/economic order is degrading with republican policies. As Joe Biden has shown, with the agreement of a vast majority of we Americans, is that addressing our most pressing needs is the path forward with an urgency that is apparent. The republican party has brought us to this cliff and now wanting to allow them to advise us in how not to fall off of it is absurd!
     Fool me once shame on you but fool me twice then shame on me. The republican party has already fooled us with their trickle down economics and white nationalism so needing them to join us in changing those paradigms is laughable at best and ignorant at worst. We democrats, due to the last elections, are in control and it is only rules, that we can change, that is stopping us from going full throat at our problems. The fear that some of our democratic colleagues are feeling is sad and unhelpful but that is where we are at the moment. I hope that those democratic colleagues are able to grow a spine in short order and then apply come courage to join the rest of us and do what needs to be done.
     Having Joe Biden exemplifying our policies with such conviction and logic is a huge beginning. Having the American electorate firmly behind him on those policies is also a huge beginning. But what is between those two dynamic forces is the legislation needed to make it happen. This really is simple when trying to figure this out. The idea of bipartisanship is a good thing when it is working but on all the really big and complex issues it is dead and gone. Sure republicans will work with democrats on less than complex and controversial subjects but that is all they will do. They won't work on voting reforms, climate change, assault weapon reform, and universal health care. Which is why we need to move past republicans and get this done on our own!

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