Saturday, May 1, 2021

What is up with Joe Manchin? (#4473)

      All I hear from Noe Manchin is he doesn't support this and he doesn't support that. He knows we democrats can do nothing without his vote so why is he being so obstinate? I know he has principles that guide him but seriously! How can he not be for a bill that protects the right to vote? I cannot get past this one piece of legislation that he will not get behind. The right to vote is fundamental to our society and for him to keep allowing republicans to deny the right to vote by not supporting a federal voting rights protection bill is asinine! So again, what is up with Joe Manchin? Protecting the filibuster to the point where the needed legislation becomes impossible is also asinine!
     I don't know how we get out of this debacle with Manchin as he is our 50th vote needed to move around the filibuster as an option. So I guess we sit back and watch as Joe Manchin destroys democracy and let's his infamous comrades in the republican party turn our form of government into an autocracy. Well I cannot fathom that and will keep putting pressure on Manchin in emails as it is all I can do at this point. But make no mistake here. Joe Manchin is putting his name right there at the top of a list of people who did much less for our nation for reasons that are illogical at this point as well as just plain dumb. I like the idea of bipartisanship but there is no real republican party to negotiate with, just bad actors pretending to be nice.
     Fate of some sort or a higher power from where I don't know must appear if we are not to lose this advantage that the American voters gave to we democrats. My heart is hardening toward Joe Manchin in that he is holding onto a vision of the past that no longer exists. He has to know that there will be no legislation coming in the future if he continues to obstruct. He has to know it! Yet he keeps crying for bipartisanship as an excuse for his non help. What will it take to get Joe Manchin off his obstruction? I don't know and if someone out there does please enlighten us!

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