Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Another reckoning is coming for republicans! (#4491)

      Of course it is a reckoning aimed at republicans. In case anyone had a doubt about which political party is due a major smackdown. Hopefully we see it begin today with the House voting on the 1/6 commission to investigate the insurrection at our national capitol. It will pass the house if only because there are enough democrats in the House for a majority but the tell will be how many republicans also vote for it. If around 50 or so republicans vote yes to the commission it will be hard for Senate republicans to follow the trump lead and vote no. However doing hard things that hurt democracy is nothing new to republicans so even if the House republicans join democrats in their vote the Senate will likely vote down the commission.
     Why you may ask? Simple. The trumps don't want it because they would be made to look like the traitors they are again plus the republican Senators who were instrumental in orchestrating the insurrection would come under fire. Then there is the result of the work of the commission that would leave its traitorous cowardly smell on the republican party coming into the midterm elections. The calculus for republicans is that not having a commission to investigate their actions is a better outcome for them personally despite it being a harm to our democracy. This is routine for republicans, they will always, and I mean always, put themselves first before they would our democracy.
     Never in my lifetime have I seen the republican party take itself apart so violently over the worst policies they could be advocating for. Not only that they are attached to trump for their belief that he can deliver for them regardless of what reality has already shown. The trumps are not winners. They have never gotten more votes nor held gains they inherited. The trumps keep losing and the republican party does not get it. Don't get me wrong I am all for the republican party exposing itself to a self destructive stance. This gives us democrats the chance to build our majorities to the point where republicans are a minor irritant instead of an absolute obstruction.

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