Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The republican waste of space (#4498)

     The middle class and below have nothing to expect from the republican party. The democrats have said in no unambiguous terms that no one making less than $400,000 a year will see a tax increase. While republicans keep proposing taxes and fees on the working middle poor class. Democrats do not want those making 400 grand a year to pay any new taxes. The republican party wants those making less than 400 grand a year to pay more in taxes and fees. So you do get that republicans support raising taxes on the less well off while protecting the wealthy from any tax increase? You do get that correct?
     When it comes to exercising our right to vote as citizens of the United States of America there is only us democrats who are trying to protect everyone's right to vote. The republican party on the other hand is trying to weaken voting rights especially in areas where the less well off generally vote for democrats. The republican party is also trying to kick citizens off the voting rolls if they are not actively voting within the republican decided limited time frame. The republican party is also removing drop off boxes in heavily democratic districts in order to make voting harder for those who are fortunate to vote by mail. As well the republican party is cutting back on early voting days so that when citizens do vote they must wait in long lines or give up entirely because it is too hard to receive and cast a ballot.
     When it comes to a minimum wage, the republican party is all about keeping it at it's historic low or even eliminating it entirely and letting the market dictate the cost of human labor. Democrats are trying to raise the federal minimum wage to at least the beginning of a livable wage but have been thwarted by republican politicians. Some corporations are starting to get the bigger picture and are raising their minimum wages to more than double the stagnant federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. The republican party is not about to help the United States of America's working middle poor class and that is fact, not some opinion. Thus, given the above and more left unstated, the republicans are a waste of space conclusion.

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